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Patmos School Feeding Program July 2021.

At Patmos School under the School Feeding Program we aim to provide  all children with a breakfast of porridge and a daily meal.  


At the start of the new school term in July 2021 Patmos School introduced boiled eggs into the diet.  Currently once a month all the children receive boiled eggs as well as porridge for their breakfast.  


School meals protect vulnerable children from hunger and offer a regular source of nutrients essential for the mental and physical development of young children. A full stomach gives children an opportunity to focus on learning at school.


A daily school meal provides a strong incentive for families to send their children to school and keep them there. It helps to increase school enrolment and attendance, decrease drop-out rates, and it also improves cognitive abilities.


Many households cannot afford an adequate diet for their children and often find it hard to provide even a daily meal for their family.


A quick internet search on the “benefits of a school lunch program” will yield a significant body of work documenting the many ways that a school lunch improves school attendance, concentration, and behavior of the students.


To read about the school maize farm which provides some of the food for the School Feeding Program click here



Boiled eggs for breakfast Sept 2021.jpg

A pupil at Patmos School receiving a boiled egg as part of her breakfast.  July 2021

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Children helping to shell the boiled eggs.

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Lunchtime at Patmos School.

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Founder and Administrator of Patmos School Richard Wanjala Manya with some of the bags of maize harvested in 2020.

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