This initiative is led by Virginia Ellsworth out of Los Angeles, California as part of her "One Goat Per Child" program
Headmaster Richard Wanjala purchased 3 nanny goats in February 2011 and allocated them to three of the school children to assist with their school fees and uniforms. The goat project is being run from a farm in the Mount Elgion region which is owned by the Headmaster's relatives and thereby negating the cost of land rental.
The first kids were born in April 2012. Milk sales from this Goat Project have helped to pay for some school uniforms.
Providing school uniforms
From the sale of goats milk each year the Headmaster is able to buy a few sets of school uniforms for some of the children at Patmos School.
Some of the school children who have received school uniforms from funds generated by milk sales.
The Headmaster visits the Goat Farm during the school vacations to ensure that the goats are being well looked after and are in good health.