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Members from Washington National Cathedral visit Patmos Cottage School

On 9th January, 2024 Patmos Cottage School received distinguished guests from the Washington National Cathedral USA as well as friends and colleagues of theirs from Canada and Kenya. They were accompanied by the Director of Yatima Outreach, Mr. Tom Wambulwa and the Yatima Outreach Projects and Sponsorship officers.


There were 20 visitors in total and they were welcomed to the school by the Founder and Director of Patmos Cottage School, Mr. Richard Wanjala Manya, who in turn introduced the guests to the Headmistress and all of the school staff.

Thereafter, they were given an extensive tour of the school building before proceeding to the school recreational area where the Founder of the school gave a powerful speech outlining the history of the school, highlighting the significant achievements that have been made over the years and identifying the many challenges that the school still faces.  The Director of Yatima Outreach, Mr. Tom Wambulwa, gave a speech and thanked the guests for their support and for visiting the school.  There followed further speeches from the school social worker who spoke about impactful initiatives that have been implemented at the school whilst also focusing on the difficulties so many children and families face in Mathare on a daily basis. 


There were then speeches from the Yatima Outreach sponsorship and project officers who each gave presentations highlighting the importance of the sponsorship program and about tangible developments at the school brought about by ongoing projects which gave insights into a brighter future the school is actively building.


The guests were then entertained by the Patmos Cottage School children who put on a wonderful show.  They sang beautiful songs and performed traditional dances, sharing their own special song with everyone.  Before finally departing the school, the visitors had an opportunity to interact with the children and staff. 


Our thanks to the members of Washington National Cathedral who have been staunch supporters of Patmos Cottage School over the years, and for taking the time to visit our school again.


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Members from Washington National Cathedral and teaching staff January 2024 

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Patmos Cottage School staff introduce themselves to the visitors.

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Yatima Outreach Director, Tom Wambulwa, gives a speech.  January 2024

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Founder and Director of Patmos Cottage School, Richard Wanjala Manya, gives the visitors a tour of the school building.  January 2024

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The visitors interact and spend time with the school children.  January 2024

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